Perfect home finder

Buying a home? Why not take a few minutes to fill out a form to describe your ‘dream’ home and see if we can’t find a matching property?

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Buying With Me, I will Guide you Throughout The Entire Process

CONGRATULATIONS ! You have decided that you want to buy a home! As this is often the most expensive purchase in a person's life, it's important to prepare yourself and your finances, in order to help guarantee the best outcome. Here are some suggestions that will improve your home buying experience



To be pre-approved, is an actual offer by a lending company that based on your personal verified information (credit score, income, employment, bank information, tax returns, etc) they would be willing to loan or extend you a specified loan or line of credit.


Know What You Want

What kind of location, style, size, layout, acreage, price, and function will be at the top of your list. How important are these demands and what are you willing to compromise on. If you have a specific idea of what kind of home will fit your current/future needs - you can focus on ensuring that the homes you are competing for are in your best interest.



I always encourage my clients to be a "detective". What I mean by that is investigate the area, neighborhood, or street you're looking to buy in. Knowing how the street functions in the morning, afternoon, and evening can make a huge difference to some buyers. We also can help you with New Construction Homes as well.


The Offer

We will help you formulate the best offer for your chosen home, and complete all the required paperwork and niceties that accompany its execution. More info: The Offer to Purchase Multiple-Offer Situations


Offer Accepted - Due Diligence Period

This is the most critical phase of your home purchase, one in which you investigate if this is the best investment for you. We will coordinate inspections, surveys, contractors, etc. and act as a mediator during repair negotiations.



After the Due Diligence Period ends, we will make sure agreed upon repairs are completed and all documents from Lender are approved and received. It's CLOSING DAY!

  • Tell me a little about your ideal home
  • What type of home are you looking for?
  • Please list them out
  • For example, $400,000 to $500,000
  • Where should we send your listings?